Bibliography | |||||
2005 | |
Balmer M. et al. | "Shape Morphing of Intersections Using Curb Side Oriented Driver..." (In proceedings) |
Hugunein F. et al. | "Evaluation of Traffic Safety using Microsimulation" (In proceedings) |
Parunak H.V.D. et al. | "Global Convergence of Local Agent Behaviors" (In proceedings) |
Weyns D. et al. | "Exploiting a Virtual Environment in a Real-World Application" (In proceedings) |
2004 | |
Gruer P. et al. | "Heterogeneous formal specification based on Object-Z and statecharts:..." (Article) |
Okuyama F.Y. et al. | "ELMS: An Environment Description Language for Multi-agent Simulation" (In proceedings) |
2003 | |
Cohen-Or D. et al. | "A Survey of Visibility for Walkthrough Applications" (In proceedings) |
Erol K. et al. | "Application of Agent Technology to Traffic Simulation" (Miscellaneous document) |
Galland S. et al. | "MaMA-s: An introduction to a Methodological Approach for the simula..." (Article) |
Koukam A. et al. | "A Multiview Approach to Modeling and Analysis of Discrete Event Systems" (Article) |
Lees M. et al. | "Adaptive Optimistic Synchronisation for Multi-Agent Simulation" (In proceedings) |
Wagner G. et al. | "Agent-Oriented Modeling and Agent-Based Simulation" (In a collection) |
2002 | |
Badler N. et al. | "Representing and Parameterizing Agent Behaviors" (In proceedings) |
Drogoul A. et al. | "Multi-Agent Based Simulation: Where are the Agents?" (In proceedings) |
Gruer P. et al. | "A formal framework for multi-agent systems analysis and design" (Article) |
Isla D. et al. | "New challenges for character-based ai for games." (In proceedings) |
Marietto M.B. et al. | "Requirements Analysis of Multi-Agent-Based Simulation Platforms" (Technical manual) |
Montgomery J.D. et al. | "Adaptive Synchronisation for a RoboCup Agent" (In proceedings) |
Nagel K. | "Distributed intelligence in large scale traffic simulations on para..." (Miscellaneous document) |
Nguyen T.G. et al. | "Agent Platform Evaluation and Comparison" (Technical report) |
Parenthoën M. et al. | "Action Learning for Autonomous Virtual Actors" (In proceedings) |
Parenthoën M. et al. | "Autonomy and Proactive Perception for Virtual Actors" (In proceedings) |
Parenthoën M. et al. | "Believable Decision for Virtual Actors" (In proceedings) |
Parenthoën M. et al. | "Perception Active pour Acteurs Virtuels" (In proceedings) |
Peters C. et al. | "A Memory Model for Autonomous Virtual Humans" (In proceedings) |
Vanbergue D. et al. | "Approche multi-agent pour la simulation urbaine" (In proceedings) |
2001 | |
Augustine L. | "Using the Rational Unified Process (RUP) Successfully for Small..." (Technical report) |
Bittner J. et al. | "Exploiting Temporal and Spatial Coherence in Hierarchical Visibility..." (In proceedings) |
Dijkstra J. et al. | "Virtual Reality-Based Simulation of User Behavior within the Built..." (In proceedings) |
Henoch J. et al. | "Agent-based Simulation Platform for Evaluating Management Concepts" (In proceedings) |
Hilaire V. et al. | "Formal Specification and Prototyping of Multi-agent Systems" (In a collection) |
Hilaire V. et al. | "Vers une méthodologie formelle de spécification de..." (Unpublished) |
Kruchten P. | "What us the Rational Unified Process?" (Technical report) |
Michel F. et al. | "Une méthodologie pour la conception de simulateur multi-agents..." (In proceedings) |
Parenthoën M. et al. | "Put Fuzzy Cognitive Maps to Work in Virtual Worlds" (In proceedings) |
Pollice G. | "Using the Rational Unified Process for Small Projects: Expanding upon..." (Technical report) |
Querrec R. et al. | "Humans and Autonomous Agents Interactions in a Virtual Environment for..." (In proceedings) |
2000 | |
Barnes C. | "Visual Programming Agents for Virtual Environments" (In proceedings) |
Gruer P. et al. | "Verification of Object-Z Specifications by Using Transition Systems:..." (In a collection) |
Woolridge M. et al. | "A Logic of Visibility, Perception, and Knowledge: Completeness and..." (In proceedings) |
1999 | |
Duffy B.R. et al. | "Reality and virtual reality in mobile robotics" (In proceedings) |
Kline C. et al. | "The Art and Science of Synthetic Character Design" (In proceedings) |
Kuffner J.J. et al. | "Fast Synthetic Vision, Memory, and Learning Models for Virtual Humans" (In proceedings) |
Panayiotopoulos T. et al. | "Towards a Virtual Reality Intelligent Agent Language" (In proceedings) |
Phillips C.T. et al. | "A Cooperative Human-Adaptive Traffic Simulation (CHATS)" (Technical report) |
Schmalstieg D. et al. | "Real-time Bounding Box Area Computation" (Technical report) |
1998 | |
Liles S. et al. | "Dynamic Discovery of Simulation Entities Using Bamboo and HLA" (In proceedings) |
1997 | |
Carlson D.A. et al. | "Simulation Levels of Detail for Real-time Animation" (In proceedings) |
1996 | |
Balet O. et al. | "Autonomous entities in distributed virtual environments" (In proceedings) |
Butler M. et al. | "Distributed Systems Development in B" (In proceedings) |
Donikian S. | "How introduce life in Virtual Environments: an Urban Environment..." (In proceedings) |
Roques C. et al. | "Les apports de la preuve en B" (In proceedings) |
1995 | |
Badler N.I. et al. | "Planning for Animation" (In proceedings) |
Blumberg B.M. et al. | "Multi-Level Direction of Autonomous Creatures for Real-Time Virtual..." (Article) |
Donikian S. et al. | "General Animation and Simulation Platform" (In proceedings) |
Granieri J.P. et al. | "Behavioral Control for Real-Time Simulated Human Agents" (In proceedings) |
Tambe M. et al. | "Architectures for Agents that Track Other Agents in Multi-Agent Worlds" (In proceedings) |
1987 | |
Reynolds C.W. | "flocks, Herds, and Schools: A Distributed Behavioral Model" (In proceedings) |
Bibliography | |||||
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