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Balmer M. et al."Shape Morphing of Intersections Using Curb Side Oriented Driver..."
(In proceedings)
Hugunein F. et al."Evaluation of Traffic Safety using Microsimulation"
(In proceedings)
Parunak H.V.D. et al."Global Convergence of Local Agent Behaviors"
(In proceedings)
Weyns D. et al."Exploiting a Virtual Environment in a Real-World Application"
(In proceedings)

Gruer P. et al."Heterogeneous formal specification based on Object-Z and statecharts:..."
Okuyama F.Y. et al."ELMS: An Environment Description Language for Multi-agent Simulation"
(In proceedings)

Cohen-Or D. et al."A Survey of Visibility for Walkthrough Applications"
(In proceedings)
Erol K. et al."Application of Agent Technology to Traffic Simulation"
(Miscellaneous document)
Galland S. et al."MaMA-s: An introduction to a Methodological Approach for the simula..."
Koukam A. et al."A Multiview Approach to Modeling and Analysis of Discrete Event Systems"
Lees M. et al."Adaptive Optimistic Synchronisation for Multi-Agent Simulation"
(In proceedings)
Wagner G. et al."Agent-Oriented Modeling and Agent-Based Simulation"
(In a collection)

Badler N. et al."Representing and Parameterizing Agent Behaviors"
(In proceedings)
Drogoul A. et al."Multi-Agent Based Simulation: Where are the Agents?"
(In proceedings)
Gruer P. et al."A formal framework for multi-agent systems analysis and design"
Isla D. et al."New challenges for character-based ai for games."
(In proceedings)
Marietto M.B. et al."Requirements Analysis of Multi-Agent-Based Simulation Platforms"
(Technical manual)
Montgomery J.D. et al."Adaptive Synchronisation for a RoboCup Agent"
(In proceedings)
Nagel K."Distributed intelligence in large scale traffic simulations on para..."
(Miscellaneous document)
Nguyen T.G. et al."Agent Platform Evaluation and Comparison"
(Technical report)
Parenthoën M. et al."Action Learning for Autonomous Virtual Actors"
(In proceedings)
Parenthoën M. et al."Autonomy and Proactive Perception for Virtual Actors"
(In proceedings)
Parenthoën M. et al."Believable Decision for Virtual Actors"
(In proceedings)
Parenthoën M. et al."Perception Active pour Acteurs Virtuels"
(In proceedings)
Peters C. et al."A Memory Model for Autonomous Virtual Humans"
(In proceedings)
Vanbergue D. et al."Approche multi-agent pour la simulation urbaine"
(In proceedings)

Augustine L."Using the Rational Unified Process (RUP) Successfully for Small..."
(Technical report)
Bittner J. et al."Exploiting Temporal and Spatial Coherence in Hierarchical Visibility..."
(In proceedings)
Dijkstra J. et al."Virtual Reality-Based Simulation of User Behavior within the Built..."
(In proceedings)
Henoch J. et al."Agent-based Simulation Platform for Evaluating Management Concepts"
(In proceedings)
Hilaire V. et al."Formal Specification and Prototyping of Multi-agent Systems"
(In a collection)
Hilaire V. et al."Vers une méthodologie formelle de spécification de..."
Kruchten P."What us the Rational Unified Process?"
(Technical report)
Michel F. et al."Une méthodologie pour la conception de simulateur multi-agents..."
(In proceedings)
Parenthoën M. et al."Put Fuzzy Cognitive Maps to Work in Virtual Worlds"
(In proceedings)
Pollice G."Using the Rational Unified Process for Small Projects: Expanding upon..."
(Technical report)
Querrec R. et al."Humans and Autonomous Agents Interactions in a Virtual Environment for..."
(In proceedings)

Barnes C."Visual Programming Agents for Virtual Environments"
(In proceedings)
Gruer P. et al."Verification of Object-Z Specifications by Using Transition Systems:..."
(In a collection)
Woolridge M. et al."A Logic of Visibility, Perception, and Knowledge: Completeness and..."
(In proceedings)

Duffy B.R. et al."Reality and virtual reality in mobile robotics"
(In proceedings)
Kline C. et al."The Art and Science of Synthetic Character Design"
(In proceedings)
Kuffner J.J. et al."Fast Synthetic Vision, Memory, and Learning Models for Virtual Humans"
(In proceedings)
Panayiotopoulos T. et al."Towards a Virtual Reality Intelligent Agent Language"
(In proceedings)
Phillips C.T. et al."A Cooperative Human-Adaptive Traffic Simulation (CHATS)"
(Technical report)
Schmalstieg D. et al."Real-time Bounding Box Area Computation"
(Technical report)

Liles S. et al."Dynamic Discovery of Simulation Entities Using Bamboo and HLA"
(In proceedings)

Carlson D.A. et al."Simulation Levels of Detail for Real-time Animation"
(In proceedings)

Balet O. et al."Autonomous entities in distributed virtual environments"
(In proceedings)
Butler M. et al."Distributed Systems Development in B"
(In proceedings)
Donikian S."How introduce life in Virtual Environments: an Urban Environment..."
(In proceedings)
Roques C. et al."Les apports de la preuve en B"
(In proceedings)

Badler N.I. et al."Planning for Animation"
(In proceedings)
Blumberg B.M. et al."Multi-Level Direction of Autonomous Creatures for Real-Time Virtual..."
Donikian S. et al."General Animation and Simulation Platform"
(In proceedings)
Granieri J.P. et al."Behavioral Control for Real-Time Simulated Human Agents"
(In proceedings)
Tambe M. et al."Architectures for Agents that Track Other Agents in Multi-Agent Worlds"
(In proceedings)

Reynolds C.W."flocks, Herds, and Schools: A Distributed Behavioral Model"
(In proceedings)

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