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[Don96]  How introduce life in Virtual Environments: an Urban Environment Modeling System for Driving Simulation

Donokian.gtrv96 (In proceedings)
Author(s)Donikian, Stéphane
Title« How introduce life in Virtual Environments: an Urban Environment Modeling System for Driving Simulation »
In5th Workshop of the Group GT-RV
Editor(s)Balet, Olivier and Caubet, René and Jessel, Jean-Pierre and Subsol, Gérard
PublisherGroupe de Travail sur la Réalité Virtuelle
AddressToulouse, France

Abstract & Keywords
The Praxitele project is charged with the design of a new kind of transportation in an urban environment, which consists of a fleet of electric public cars. These public cars are capable of autonomous motion on certain displacements between stations. The realization of such a project requires experimentations with the behaviour of autonomous vehicles in the urban environment. Because of the danger connected with these kinds of expriments in a real life site, it was necessary to design a virtual urban environment in which simulations could be done. Animations or simulations in Virtual Urban Environments can be perfomred in various way, but one common element of such systems is that they require a model of the environment. Reproduce, as completely as possible, the life of a city implies the simulation of autonomous entities like living beings. Such entities are able to perceive their environment, to cimmunicate with other creatures and to execute some actions either on themselves or on their environment. Interactions between an object and its environment are, most of the time, very simple: sensors and actuators are reduced to minimal capabilities which permit only to avoid obstacles in a 2D or 3D world. This is due to the fact that databases for virtual environments are often confined t the geometric level, when they must also contain physical, topological and semantic informations. Accordingly, in this paper we propose a model which permits to connect different levels of representation, assembling geometric, topologic and semantic data in the field of traffic simulation, and its implementation in a Modeling System of Urban Road Network. From real world data (when available), we construct a Model of the Virtual Urban Environment, integrating all informations indispensable to describe realistic behaviours of car drivers.

Keywords: Virtual Environments, Geometric Modelling, Driving Simulation, Behavioural Animation

BibTeX code
  author = {Donikian, St{\'e}phane},
  booktitle = {5th Workshop of the Group GT-RV},
  domains = {Urban Simulation:Virtual Reality/Environment:},
  editor = {Balet, Olivier and Caubet, Ren{\'e} and Jessel, Jean-Pierre and
            Subsol, G{\'e}rard},
  title = {How introduce life in Virtual Environments: an Urban Environment
           Modeling System for Driving Simulation},
  address = {Toulouse, France},
  publisher = {Groupe de Travail sur la R{\'e}alit{\'e} Virtuelle},
  year = 1996,

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