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[PA+99]  Towards a Virtual Reality Intelligent Agent Language

Panayiotopoulos.hci99 (In proceedings)
Author(s)Panayiotopoulos, T. and Anastassakis, G.
Title« Towards a Virtual Reality Intelligent Agent Language »
In7th Hellenic Conference on Informatics

In this paper we present a first approach to VAL, an implementation-independent agent-oriented programming language. It allows developers to write agent representation code in a conceptual level, focusing specifically upon the agent's definition requirements. VAL code is not in any way related to the agent system's architecture and implementation, allowing agent definitions to be portable between systems. VAL can be used in cooperation with agent systems that maintain an internal symbolic representation for the virtual world and the agent's internal state. By the term symbolic representation we refer to an unordered set of statements that denote the agent's and the world's valid properties at any time. Statements can be, for instance, predicate logic Prolog-style terms. VAL agent definitions are based entirely on these properties and do not descend to the implementation level, allowing for a high-level agent-oriented development process. This is one of VAL's most notable characteristics.

BibTeX code
  domains = {Virtual Reality/Animat:Multi-Agent Systems/Language:},
  booktitle = {7th Hellenic Conference on Informatics},
  title = {Towards a Virtual Reality Intelligent Agent Language},
  author = {Panayiotopoulos, T. and Anastassakis, G.},
  year = 1999,

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