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[PBT+02]  Action Learning for Autonomous Virtual Actors

Parenthoen.isra02 (In proceedings)
Author(s)Parenthoën, Marc and Buche, Cédric and Tisseau, Jacques
Title« Action Learning for Autonomous Virtual Actors »
In3rd International Symposium on Robotics and Automation (IEEE-ISRA'02)
AddressToluca, Mexico

Abstract & Keywords
The goal of our work is to model believable virtual actors. Within the framework of learning by imitation, the virtual actor must be able to modify its prototypic behavior for miming in its imaginary world the observed behavior of a model which can be another virtual actor or an avatar controlled by a human operator. Each virtual actor has sensors for p erceiving and effectors for acting and also a library of prototypic behaviors specifid by FCMs for simulating itself and others in its imaginary space. FCMs can give true perception & emotion. We propose a FCM-learning algorithm using meta-knowledge about learning in order to imitate a given behavior in real-time. The virtual actor autonomously selects training periods. This selection is inspired by neurophysiological experiments about active perception and hippocampus. The implementations undertaken in the multi-agent environment oRis are related to a sheep dog gathering sheep and to the adaptation of a virtual sailor to a given sailing ship.

Keywords: Active Perception, Autonomy, Believable Agent, Fuzzy Cognitive Map, Imitation

BibTeX code
  author = {Parentho{\"e}n, Marc and Buche, C{\'e}dric and Tisseau, Jacques},
  booktitle = {3rd International Symposium on Robotics and Automation
  domains = {Virtual Reality/Animat/Human:Multi-Agent Systems/Agent
             Architecture/Cognitive Architecture:},
  title = {Action Learning for Autonomous Virtual Actors},
  address = {Toluca, Mexico},
  pages = {549--554},
  year = 2002,

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