| Root |
 |  | Multi-Agent Systems/Agent Architecture/Cognitive Architecture |
 |  | [KB+99] Kline C. et al., "The Art and Science of Synthetic..." (1999) |  |  | [Nag02] Nagel K., "Distributed intelligence in large scale..." (2002) |  |  | [OBR+04] Okuyama F.Y. et al., "ELMS: An Environment Description Lang..." (2004) |  |  | [PBT+02] Parenthoën M. et al., "Action Learning for Autonomous Virtual..." (2002) |  |  | [PRT+01] Parenthoën M. et al., "Put Fuzzy Cognitive Maps to Work in..." (2001) |  |  | [PTM+02] Parenthoën M. et al., "Autonomy and Proactive Perception for..." (2002) |  |  | [PTM+02b] Parenthoën M. et al., "Believable Decision for Virtual Actors" (2002) |  |  | [PTM+02c] Parenthoën M. et al., "Perception Active pour Acteurs Virtuels" (2002) |  |  | [TR+95] Tambe M. et al., "Architectures for Agents that Track O..." (1995) |
 |  | Simulation |
 |  | [BG+95] Blumberg B.M. et al., "Multi-Level Direction of Autonomous..." (1995) |  |  | [Bar00] Barnes C., "Visual Programming Agents for Virtual..." (2000) |  |  | [CH+97] Carlson D.A. et al., "Simulation Levels of Detail for Real-..." (1997) |  |  | [GGB+03] Galland S. et al., "MaMA-s: An introduction to a..." (2003) |  |  | [KMG+03] Koukam A. et al., "A Multiview Approach to Modeling and..." (2003) |  |  | [Rey87] Reynolds C.W., "flocks, Herds, and Schools: A Distrib..." (1987) |  |  | [TR+95] Tambe M. et al., "Architectures for Agents that Track O..." (1995) |  |  | [VD+02] Vanbergue D. et al., "Approche multi-agent pour la simulation..." (2002) |  |  | [WT+03] Wagner G. et al., "Agent-Oriented Modeling and Agent-Based..." (2003) |
 |  | Virtual Reality |
 |  | [DOO+99] Duffy B.R. et al., "Reality and virtual reality in mobile..." (1999) |  |  | [ST+99] Schmalstieg D. et al., "Real-time Bounding Box Area Computation" (1999) |  |  | [TR+95] Tambe M. et al., "Architectures for Agents that Track O..." (1995) |  |  | [WSH+05] Weyns D. et al., "Exploiting a Virtual Environment in a..." (2005) |