MediaWiki Extension MavenRepository

MavenRepository is an extension of MediaWiki to retreive files and informations from a Maven repository.



  1. Download MavenRepository,
  2. Unpack the archive in your Mediawiki directory
  3. add
    in your LocalSettings.php.


Defines the paths to the Maven repositories. It is an associative array of (repository_local_path => repository_url).


MavenRepository provides several parser functions, explained below. In all the following explanations MID represents a standard Maven group-artefact pair: a group identifier, a column character, and an artifact identifier.


Reports group identifier from the given module identifier.

{{#mvngroupid: org.arakhne.afc:arakhneVmutils}}org.arakhne.afc


Reports artifact identifier from the given module identifier.

{{#mvnartifactid: org.arakhne.afc:arakhneVmutils}}arakhneVmutils


Reports the version of the maven module.

{{#mvnversion: org.arakhne.afc:arakhneVmutils | '*'}}1.0-SNAPSHOT

The type permits to specify the type of the module:


Reports the distribution date of the maven module.

{{#mvndate: org.arakhne.afc:arakhneVmutils | '*'}}03 Aug 2010 07:04:39

The type permits to specify the type of the module:


Reports the URL of the last release of the maven module.

{{#mvnrepository: org.arakhne.afc:arakhneVmutils | '*'}}

The type permits to specify the type of the module:


Reports the hyperlink of the last release of the maven module.

{{#mvnrepositorylink: org.arakhne.afc:arakhneVmutils | '*' | Label}}Label

The type permits to specify the type of the module:


Reports the path to the Jar of the last release of the maven module.

{{#mvnjar: org.arakhne.afc:arakhneVmutils | '*' | modiorg/arakgne/afc/arakhneVmutils/1.0-SNAPSHOT/arakhneVmutils-1.0-SNAPSHOT-modi.jar

The type permits to specify the type of the module:

The modifier permits to specify the specifical version to output.


Reports the name of the Jar of the last release of the maven module.

{{#mvnjarname: org.arakhne.afc:arakhneVmutils | '*' | modiarakhneVmutils-1.0-SNAPSHOT-modi.jar

The type permits to specify the type of the module:

The modifier permits to specify the specifical version to output.


Reports the hyperlink to the Jar of the last release of the maven module.

{{#mvnjarlink: org.arakhne.afc:arakhneVmutils | '*' | modiarakhneVmutils-1.0-SNAPSHOT-modi.jar

The type permits to specify the type of the module:

The modifier permits to specify the specifical version to output.


Reports a wiki list of hyperlinks to the Jar of the last release of the maven modules inside the given group.

{{#mvnjarlist: org.arakhne.afc | '*' | modi

The type permits to specify the type of the module:

The modifier permits to specify the specifical version to output.
